Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day

We had a full house today. My wife Melissa of course, our sons, my mom, Kat, Dino and their daughter Kayla, and Melissa's high school friend Karen with her daughter Laura. Everyone came over for lunch. I was popular with the ladies because I got them all flowers and cookies. My wife made a huge pot of my favorite soup and we broke some fresh french bread. Mom showed up with her killer orange pound cake.

Melissa spent a lot of time making the soup - a delicious ham and bean soup with her own personal touches. I love it.

After she got the beans soaking last night, started the stock, and everyone else went to bed (Karen and Laura were here for the weekend), Melissa came down and helped me untangle cables in the jam room. There were a LOT of cables and she was really helpful. It made a pretty tedious task fun because we got to just enjoy each other's company.

This morning Melissa got the soup going and it cooked for hours. Yum. It was GOOD. Real GOOD.

Ideally I would have been more helpful but I kept fading out today - I've had severe throat problems for a couple days and it really kicked my butt today.

The kids made some very cool cards/drawings for Melissa and were pretty darn good today.

It was a great day for me - Melissa I hope it was for you too.

HippieSound Inaugural Jam

No fanfare. No hype. We just kicked around some ideas for tunes today.

Dino was over today with his wife and daughter celebrating Mother's Day (hope y'all had a good one by the way). We snuck off down to the basement for a while and just fooled around with some bits and pieces of stuff for some songs. We're both a bit rusty but who cares - it was fun!

I just plugged my nylon string Godin guitar into the PA and started noodling song ideas. Later I busted out the Taylor T5 and noodled some more. Given a lull of any kind I tend to just move on to something else so we were all over the map.

It's been funny to discover that despite a lot of common musical ground and our close ages that we really don't know many songs in common. It's just as well, I want to do original music anyhow.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Floyd Rose V24 Arrow Arrives!

As I mentioned back in January, I ordered a Floyd Rose V24 Arrow. I opted for a Korina one so I had to wait. The first one came soon but the wood grain looked like someone soiled a bed. I'm not kidding. Brian at Chuck Levin's basically said "dude, you don't want this - let me get you a different one". It was bad so I waited. Well it arrived about a week ago. It's smokin'! The guitar plays and sounds fantastic and just looks amazing.

More pics are available here.

HippieSound Studios Done!

Ok, the construction has been done a while. I've just been a slacker and haven't posted to my blog in a while. The construction was wrapped up around April 12th. Since then I've done some additional painting and touchups and have slowly been moving gear into the rooms. Anyhow, here are some pics of the completed room back on the 12th or so. A lot more pics are available here: