Tuesday, March 28, 2006

HippieSound Studios Construction Week 6

Last week was a slow week for progress. My contractor was called away on an emergency job for the better part of the week. But he did get the bulk of the grid ceiling up - I know this is a bear because the ceiling is filled with regular insulation, then mineral fiber insulation, then really heavy duty suspended ceiling wire with 4x the number of supports because this is a HEAVY ceiling being 5/8" thick drywall tiles with mass load vinyl overlayment.

This he helped me level the floor. I started to do it myself. This shit was supposed to be self leveling concrete. Um. Yeah. You level it yourSELF. Fuckers. I've done a bunch of construction work but have never used a trowel in my life. I didn't screw it up though because when he came over and helped me out we knocked it out pretty quick.

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