Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Snow days RAWK!

Western Washington is comically unprepared for snow. The news reports last night said we'd get 4-12" depending on where you live. We live just oustide of Seattle in a suburb called Issaquah and got about 4-6". There was no point in driving to Redmond for work because nobody was there plus they don't clear the streets so it's driving on ice around here. So I slacked off at home. Connecting to e-mail remotely was painfully slow with 20,000 other people doing it so I said the hell with it and just enjoyed the day at home with my boys.

We took my eldest sons' bike ramp that Santa brought him and buried it to make a huge snow ramp. That and some innertubes from Schuck's auto supply were the hit of the day.

As the evening rolled around, some of the neighbor mom's and dad's gathered for some spiced wine while the kids continued on their sleds and innertubes. Naturally, I went and grabbed the brand spankin' new bottle of Jaegermeister from the fridge and proceeded to get blitzed with the neighbors around an impromptu fire. Heck, I can barely type right now.

Life is good...