Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Welcome to Bush's new Middle Ages

What a fucking dipshit. I started to catch the State of the Union address and it was so depressing I had to walk away.

This asshole drags us into a war that neither he or anyone in the foreseable future will be able to get us out of. I love how he and his lemmings have declared a "do over" on our reasoning for starting the war. Along the way he manages to drag down the economy. Fuck, I could have done that.

I love it when he says he's created new jobs - like that's hard, you could employ thousands of people just to deal with unemployment.

Now tonight he brings up his medical plan squarely aimed at giving big businesses a break so they won't be too interested in providing quality benefits.

Once again we have a backwards-country-fuck-thinking leader that wants to impose his Bible thumping sense of medieval morality about what marriage and family is all about. ASSHOLE.

He wants to teach abstinence to our youth? More of his jackass morality. People have real problems making ends meet and schools have no money to pay teachers and this idiot wants to waste money trying to convince teenagers to wait. What a dork.

You know...

...everytime I see him it appears that his eyes are closer together. I wonder if they actually touched at one time and he had plastic surgery to spread them apart so he wouldn't look like such an inbred little shit. So what appears to be happening is that his inbred nature is overpowering the plastic surgery. I bet he goes in for another operation soon and they'll be space better soon. He's basically like Cher in The Deliverance.

His talk on drugs was good. I have to admit that. Of course he's got a lot of experience in that department so he's got a lot of credibility.

In terms of defeating terrorism - what has he done? Seriously, Bin Laden is still out there. Americans are afraid to fly, we're giving up civil liberties left and right, and the rest of the world hates us like never before. Oh yeah, that plan is working.

this blog was a stream of conciousness so it probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense - it's rather difficult to articulate ones feelings when one is utterly fucking disgusted with ones wretched little troll of a leader.

Not that I have an opinion.